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July 13, 2024

Ultra processed foods are associated with worse health outcomes

Education Series by Randy Hebert, MD, Medical Director

We’ve all heard “you are what you eat.” There is truth to that adage.

Americans get fifty percent of their calories from ultra processed foods e.g. packaged snacks, carbonated soft drinks, instant noodles, and ready-made meals. Ultra processed foods are primarily composed of modified substances along with additives to enhance taste, texture, appearance, and durability.

Unfortunately, these foods are associated with many negative health outcomes including heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorders, depression, and even mortality.

This is one reason Community LIFE has registered dieticians as part of their teams. These experts can evaluate a person’s diet and come up with a nutrition plan that is both healthy and delicious.   

Lane, Melissa M., et al. “Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses.” bmj 384 (2024).